Saturday, July 18, 2009



Stephen Covey

BOTHmy personal life and my work as a business practitioner over the past 20 years have convinced me that we can increase trust and doing so will have a huge impact, both in the quality of our lives and in the results were able to achieve. Simply put, trust means confidence. The opposite of trust distrust is suspicion . When you trust people, you have confidence in them in their integrity and in their abilities. When you distrust people, you are suspicious of them of their integrity , their agenda, their capabilities , or their track record. Its that simple...
Take a minute right now and think of a person with whom you have a high trust relationship perhaps a boss, co-worker , customer, spouse, parent, sibling, child, or friend. Describe this relationship. How well do you communicate How quickly can you get things done How much do you enjoy this relationship Now think of a person with whom you have a low-trust relationship. Describe this relationship . Does it flow quickly and freely... or do you feel like youre constantly walking on land mines and being misunderstood The difference between a high- and low-trust relationship is palpable! Take communication. In a hightrust relationship, you can say the wrong thing, and people will still get your meaning. In a low-trust relationship, you can be very measured and theyll still misinterpret you. Can you even begin to imagine the difference it would make if you were able to increase the amount of trust in the important personal and professional relationships in your life

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